Caffeine and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

A cup of coffee is an essential part of the morning routine for some people. The majority of individuals, particularly women, are unaware of the full extent to which caffeine can affect their bodies, despite the fact that caffeine is a stimulant.


Did you know that drinking coffee can also lead to problems in the pelvic floor? Recent research that was published in the peer-reviewed journal "Pelvic Floor Dysfunction" discovered a significant link between coffee consumption and a variety of pelvic floor issues. The research analyzed the responses of over 2,500 women who filled out questionnaires regarding their typical use of caffeine and their experiences with symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. These symptoms included urine incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Do read 6 Ways To Remember To Do Your Kegels to help improve your pelvic floor.

coffee impact on pelvic floor incontinence

Does Caffeine Affect the Pelvic Floor?

The results of the study made one thing very clear: coffee is a factor that can contribute to bladder leakage as well as other pelvic floor disorders. Consuming a caffeinated beverage stimulates the kidneys to produce more urine than usual and leads them to overwork as a diuretic. This misuse can induce sensitivity in the bladder, which can then lead to a weakening of the muscles that support the pelvic floor. 

If you suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD), it is highly recommended that you reduce or eliminate your consumption of caffeine. Switch up that cup of coffee for a glass of water or some herbal tea first thing in the morning. Within the context of this blog post, we go further into the topic of pelvic floor dysfunction and the solutions available to address this issue.

 Because it causes an increase in blood pressure, caffeine is responsible for the alert sensation that you receive after consuming a caffeinated beverage or food, such as coffee, cola, or chocolate. Your bladder becomes overactive as a result of this increase in blood pressure, and the use of coffee can contribute to a variety of conditions, including excessive urination, bladder infections, and urine incontinence. It is also believed that it has a direct effect on the smooth muscle that lines the bladder.

bladder infections from coffee


The bladder experiences a diuretic impact when caffeine is ingested, and as a result, the urge to urinate increases in proportion to the amount of caffeine consumed. Caffeine causes an increase in the blood flow to the kidneys and a decrease in the amount of water and sodium that is absorbed by the body.

Because of this, your body will feel an increased need to pass liquid, and the resulting diuretic impact will contribute to you becoming dehydrated. You might drink extra coffee or a soft drink to relieve your thirst, but the reality is that doing so would just make you thirstier in the long run.


Because urinary tract infections in the bladder are frequently transmitted owing to dehydration or insufficient bladder emptying, caffeine consumption can contribute to the development of these infections. Caffeine causes dehydration in the body by interfering with the body's ability to retain fluids. As a result, the body is forced to expel liquids before they can be absorbed properly.


Consuming caffeine on a regular basis might lead to incontinence. If you're having trouble controlling your bladder capacity, you might want to cut back on beverages like coffee, tea, and soda. Because caffeine is now found in so many different products, it is highly likely that you are unaware of the amount of caffeine that you actually consume. Do checkout our 4 Week Pelvic Floor Muscles Workout Programme that you can do from home to improve your pelvic floor.

Can Caffeine Cause Incontinence?

According to research, The percentage of women who experienced UI development was comparable across categories of baseline amount of caffeine intake as well as changes in caffeine intake in the time leading up to baseline. For instance, the percentages were the same when comparing 450 mg or more of caffeine per day to less than 150 mg (adjusted odds ratio [OR] of 0.87, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.70-1.08). When the percentage of women who had progression was compared to the percentage of women whose caffeine intake remained consistent, the percentage of women who had progression was 22% versus 20% (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.95-1.22). Separate studies examining the effects of urgency and stress on UI had comparable findings.

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How Your Gut Health Impacts Your Pelvic Floor

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