Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms


There are a wide range of pelvic organ prolapse symptoms which can be found in the bladder, vagina and/or bowel, such as issues peeing, needing to go to the toilet more often and discomfort during sex. More symptoms include:



  • problems peeing – such as feeling like your bladder is not emptying fully
  • needing to go to the toilet more often
  • failing to get to the bathroom in time
  • needing to go to the toilet at night
  • leaking a small amount of pee when you cough, sneeze or exercise (known as stress incontinence – your bladder may have prolapsed into the vagina)
  • a feeling of heaviness around your lower tummy and genitals (pelvis)


  • a dragging discomfort inside your vagina
  • feeling like there is something coming down into your vagina – it may feel like sitting on a small ball
  • feeling or seeing a bulge or lump in or coming out of your vagina
  • discomfort or numbness during sex
  • dislodged or dropped tampons


  • if you experience constipation, lower back pain or incomplete bowel emptying you may have bowel prolapse
  • you may need to push back the prolapse to allow stools to pass
  • uncontrollable leakage from the anus (anal incontinence)
  • difficulties getting clean after a bowel motion
  • uncontrollable flatulence

Sometimes pelvic organ prolapse has no symptoms and is found during an internal examination carried out for another reason, such as a cervical screen (e.g. smear test).

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