Endometriosis and The Pelvic Floor

Endometriosis affects roughly 10% (190 million) of reproductive age women and girls globally. (Source: The World Health Organisation)
Endometriosis and The Pelvic Floor


Endometriosis is a complex and often painful condition that affects millions of women worldwide. It occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the womb, leading to a range of symptoms including chronic pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, depression, infertility and more.

While the impact of endometriosis on reproductive health is well-known, its connection to the pelvic floor is often overlooked.

In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between endometriosis and the pelvic floor, and introduce pelvic floor exercises that may offer relief and support for individuals struggling with this condition.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic and often painful condition that affects the reproductive system. It occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, called endometrium, grows outside of the womb.

This displaced tissue can be found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and even in some rare cases, the lungs. The presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus can lead to a range of symptoms, including chronic pelvic pain, painful periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, and fertility issues.

Can Endometriosis Cause Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

In addition to its primary impact on reproductive organs, endometriosis can also exert significant influence on the pelvic floor. This group of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues provides essential support to the bladder, uterus, and rectum.

When endometrial tissue infiltrates this region, it triggers inflammation and tension within these muscles, which can result in pelvic floor dysfunction.

This can manifest as urinary incontinence, discomfort during intercourse, and challenges with bowel movements.

Pelvic Floor Exercises for Endometriosis

The good news is that targeted pelvic floor exercises can provide relief for individuals with endometriosis. These exercises help strengthen and relax the pelvic floor muscles, alleviating some of the discomfort associated with this condition.

1. Kegel Exercises

what is the pelvic floor

Kegel exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles to improve strength and flexibility. Regular practice can help reduce pelvic pain and improve bladder control for individuals with endometriosis.

2. Deep Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing exercises can help relax the pelvic floor muscles and reduce tension. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing pelvic pain and discomfort due to endometriosis.

3. Pelvic Floor Massage

Gentle massage techniques targeted at the pelvic floor area can help release tension and improve blood flow, providing relief for individuals with endometriosis.

4. Yoga for Pelvic Health

Yoga incorporates gentle stretches, breath work, and mindfulness techniques that can help relax the pelvic floor muscles and reduce tension. Specific yoga poses, such as Child's Pose, Pigeon Pose, and Cat-Cow Pose, can be particularly beneficial for pelvic health.

We cover many of these poses in our 30 Day Pelvic Floor Challenge

5. Pilates for Core Strength

Pilates focuses on core strength and stability, which can indirectly support the pelvic floor. Engaging in Pilates exercises that target the core muscles can help improve overall pelvic stability and function.

6. Water-Based Exercises

Exercising in water provides a low-impact environment that is gentle on the joints and muscles. Water-based exercises like swimming or water aerobics can be effective for strengthening the pelvic floor and reducing pain associated with endometriosis.

7. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation, can help alleviate stress and tension in the pelvic area. This can contribute to improved pelvic health and reduced discomfort.

8. Tai Chi for Balance and Stability

Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise that emphasizes balance, stability, and controlled movements. Engaging in Tai Chi can enhance pelvic stability and promote overall well-being.


By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can take proactive steps towards managing the symptoms of endometriosis and promoting better pelvic health.


It's important to note that individuals with endometriosis should consult with their healthcare provider or a qualified fitness professional before starting any new exercise regimen. They can provide personalized recommendations based on individual needs and limitations.

Remember to listen to your body and make modifications as needed. If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to consult with your healthcare provider.


In conclusion, understanding the connection between endometriosis and the pelvic floor is crucial for effectively managing this condition. Pelvic floor exercises offer a natural and accessible way to alleviate some of the discomfort and pain associated with endometriosis.

If you're looking for additional support, consider exploring our pelvic floor toner, and workout programs designed to target and strengthen these essential muscles.


For more insights on pelvic health, you may also find these blog posts helpful:


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